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来源: 驱动中国网 时间: 2023-03-29 15:06:59


该片讲述了美国青年杰西在火车上偶遇了法国女学生塞琳娜,两人交谈甚欢。他们游览城市并谈论着彼此的过去 。最终,他们相约在半年后再见。

杰西由于囊中羞涩, 决定在维也纳下车漫游, 度过他在欧洲的最后一夜, 第二天一早搭飞机回美国;塞利娜患有飞机恐惧症, 在布达佩斯探望完外婆后, 选择搭乘火车返回巴黎。 两个素昧平生的游客在车厢中相遇 , 他们在交谈中发现, 彼此间竟然有那么多话题, 于是他们一路上愉快地畅谈, 直到火车停在了维也纳。

杰西对塞利娜依依不舍, 建议他们一起下车到维也纳逛一整夜, 塞利娜居然同意了。 从午后至黄昏, 由夜晚到天明, 两人的足迹踏遍了维也纳的每一个角落。 他们轻松自然地聊着生活中的琐事, 交换着彼此对事物的看法, 爱情开始弥漫在维也纳的街头, 弥漫在暧昧的夜色中, 弥漫在优美的音乐之中, 弥漫在他们的眼波流转中, 弥漫在摩天轮上忘情的接吻中, 也同样弥漫在他们的字字珠玑中。在日出来临之前的 14个小时里, 两颗心相互吸引感动, 于是约定半年后在维也纳再见。




Have you ever heard that as couples get older,they lose ability to hear each other?Supposedly,men lose the ability to hear higher-pitched sounds,and women eventually lose hearing in the low end.I guess they sort of nullify each other,or something.

I guess,Nature's way of allowing couples to grow old together without killing each other.


If your parents never really fully contradict you about anything,and like basically nice,and supportive.It makes it even harder to officially complain,even when they are wrong,its this passive-aggressive shit.


How ambiguous everything was,even death.


Jump ahead,ten,twenty years,you're married.Only your marriage doesn't have that same energy that it used to have.You start to blame your husband.You start to think about all those guys you've met in your life and what might have happened,if you'd picked up with one of them,i'm one of these guys.So think of this time travel,from then to now,to find out what you're missing out on,see,what this really could be,is a gigantic favour to both you and your future husband to find out that you're not missing out on anything.I'm just as biger a loser as he is,totally unmotivated,totally boring.You made right choice,and you're really happy.


Do you believe in reincarnation?A lot of people talk about the past lives,and things like that and even if they don't believe in it some specific way,people have some kind of notion of an eternal soul,5000 years ago,there are not even a million people on the planet.10000 years ago,there's like 2000000 people on the planet.Now,there's between 5 and 6 billion people on the planet.If we all have all own,like, individual,unique soul,where do they all come from?Are modern soul only a fraction of the original souls?Because if they are,that represents a 5000-to-1 split of each soul in just the last 50000 years which is like a blip in the earth's time.So,we're like these tiny fractions of people,walking.Is that why we're so scattered?Is why we are so specialized?


When I was a little girl,I thought that if none of your family or friends knew you were dead ,then its like not really being dead.People can invent the best and the worst for you.


You know,I don't think it really matters what generation you are born into.Look at my parents,they were these angry,young May'68 people,revolting against everything.You know,the government,their conservative catholic backgrounds.I was born not long after,and then my father went on to become this successful arcthitect and they began to travel around the world where he built bridges,and towers and stuff.I mean I really can't complain about anything.They love me more than anything in the world,and I have been raised with all the freedom they had fought for.And yet for me now,its another type of fight,we still have to deal with the same old shit.but we can't really know who,or what the enemy is.


I don't know if there is an enemy,everybody's parents fuck them up,rich kids' parents give them too much,poor kids' not enough.Too much attention,not enough attention.They either left them,and they stuck around and taught'em the wrong things.My parents are just these two people who didn't like each other very much who they dicided to get married and have a kid and they try their best to be nice to me.


Even though I reject most of the religious things,I can't help but feelling for all those people that come here lost or in pain,guilt,looking for some kind of answers,It fascinates me how a single place can join so much pain and happiness for so many generations.


I think its because I always have these strange feeling that i'm this very old woman laying down about to die.You know that my life is just like her memories,or something.

标签: 布达佩斯 理查德·林克莱特 美国爱情电影 青年旅馆