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Discover Shenzhen | The common kingfisher 普通翠鸟

来源: 深圳发布 时间: 2021-08-31 07:45:46

Editors\"s Note:


Isaac Cohen, a biology teacher from Colombia, has been recording through his camera lens the beautiful and colorful wildlife in Shenzhen since arriving in town in the summer of 2017.

Isaac Cohen是一位来自哥伦比亚的生物老师,于2017年来到深圳。从那时起,他就开始用手中的相机记录深圳丰富多彩的生物世界。

Awed by the lush natural environment and biodiversity of his newfound home, Cohen started to share his photos on social media early last year. Here, we’d like to share these photos with our readers. The series also includes short introductions to the creatures presented.


We hope these beautiful photos will cheer up your day, inspire your interest in our natural surroundings, and encourage you to take steps — no matter how small they are — to preserve our city’s environment.


The common kingfisher 普通翠鸟

A common kingfisher rests on a branch in Honghu Park, Luohu District, on April 17.

ONE of the most captivating and stunning animals you can easily spot in almost every park of Shenzhen is the common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), a bird species you can smoothly recognize for its visible iridescent blue plumage that almost entirely covers the back of its body, making conspicuous a lovely underbelly covered in orange and with some white linings on the side of its neck and throat. Their feet are small and red and their beaks are long, strong and sharp in order to get a better grip while catching their prey. Males and females are very similar and the most notable difference rests on the color of their beaks; while the male’s beak is entirely black, the female’s lower part is light brown.


Common kingfishers are relatively small birds with an average length of 17cm and an average wingspan of 24cm. One interesting fact about them is that during the mating season, a male will find a female and then both will take care of the offspring. A female may lay up to 10 eggs (though very rarely) at once and they breed around three times a year.


One of the most fascinating characteristics of this species is the fact that they always eat the fish starting with the head. Even when feeding their young offspring, they will catch small fish and grab them by the tail so the babies can eat the fish head first.


Finding kingfishers in almost every park of the city is good news for all of us, an encouraging sign that the water bodies across Shenzhen are in a healthy condition with enough freshwater organisms to satisfy the demanding appetite of these little birds.





关键词: Discover Shenzhen The common