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全球通讯!键盘侠|莫兰特有持枪坐球队飞机的嫌疑 联盟或重罚禁赛其50场

来源: 天下足球最新帖子 时间: 2023-03-05 20:56:29






[–]15GutsTheSwordsman 199 points 4 hours ago

It was actually Steph"s gun. Should be suspended 1 game.


[–]Mysterious-Health514 87 points 3 hours ago

loaded with Klay"s ammo and in Poole"s holster


[–]Ryuken_H 31 points 3 hours ago

It was draymonds permit so that’s an easy 3 game suspension


[–]ph4raohs 15 points 3 hours ago

Nahh dray still wouldn’t get a tech for that


[–]magic"s johnsonRedCarNewsboy 2 points 29 minutes ago

Has anyone seen Westbrook"s smoothbore musket?


[–]DaKingindaSouff 152 points 5 hours ago

Could have been his friends gun. There’s no proof it was Ja’s. Yeah Ja is an idiot but I doubt he gets 50 games. Hopefully he is suspended though, for longer than 2 games and learns his lesson.


[–]17x Champs I_haven-t_reddit 46 points 5 hours ago

Good point. Even if it is his gun, it’s not hard for him to offer some money to someone in his entourage to “take the fall” and claim it was their gun or they brought it. The stakes are pretty high if it is his. He could also say it didn’t go on the plane, one of his friends drove and brought it with them.


[–]00ephemeralfugitive 6 points 3 hours ago

Ain’t learning his lesson if it is a 2 games suspension. He just going to think NBA rules are silly.

There’s no consequence with impact.


[–]Rob Pelinka REDEEMEDTheLoneliestMonke 10 points 3 hours ago

Gun on a plane is terrorist territory


[–]SnoobNoob7860 11 points 4 hours ago

i’m assuming since there’s potential felony charges involved they will investigate formally, adam silver isn’t going to be going to people directly they’ll probably have a committee of people dealing with it anyways


[–]HardenTraded 1 point 4 hours ago

Is there an ongoing law enforcement investigation? I honestly haven’t followed very closely, so this is a genuine question.


[–]SnoobNoob7860 7 points 4 hours ago

he was just accused for assaulting a kid and has multiple harassment allegations involving a gun

also it’s illegal to carry firearms in a strip club

it’s not so much about this one incident as the other surrounding issues. also it’s really not that crazy for them to demand he shows proof it’s not his by producing registration documents. he potentially broke a $200m contract, it’s in his best interest to just be truthful at this point


[–]Key-Cherry6709 39 points 4 hours ago

Adam Silver is softer than Charmin. He’s not getting even 5.


[–]ScheduleSensitive391 19 points 3 hours ago

That was a team suspension, Adam Silver could very well still drop his meaty hammer and suspend him 20 games


[–]Key-Cherry6709 28 points 3 hours ago

He won’t. Adam Silver is a bitch


[–]Rob Pelinka REDEEMEDTheLoneliestMonke 17 points 3 hours ago

Yeah. He"s been great for growing the game internationally (and that Tv money) but damn, he"s pretty spineless. Dude needs to bring back the ban hammer


[–]Tkainzero 4 points 2 hours ago

Silver is the worst comish in sports


[–]yaboidomby 6 points 2 hours ago

how to lose a career 101

球迷:《二十岁年轻人必学-101个自毁前程的小妙招》- 作者:贾-莫兰特

[–]nine8whatwhat 14 points 3 hours ago

What a clown

Hope he gets the hammer


[–]goneballisticagain 10 points 2 hours ago

Ja has to be one of the dumber people in the world? Like, this is totally unnecessary and only his own fault?


[–]supesboots 1 point 17 minutes ago

I"m down voting your comment because you"re ending your sentences in question marks when they aren"t actually questions. Like Ja, I need you to take a step back and reexamine your life. Kind regards.


[–]JDub006 31 points 5 hours ago

Lots of hypotheticals here: Nobody knows where the gun is from/who’s it is.

Arenas got 50 games, I doubt JA would get anywhere close to that


[–]Tkainzero 8 points 2 hours ago

Fuck that shit.

Dude is holding a gun, it is his.

you know how many guns i have held that are not mine? Like 2?


[–]lets_talk_basketball 9 points 4 hours ago

It could"ve been someone else"s and they just let him do a lil video with it.. that"s pretty common.


[–]Large_Mango 3 points 3 hours ago

Why is he doing that? Don’t get it


[–]hjy23k 4 points 4 hours ago

I highly doubt he gets 50 games……


[–]Tkainzero 2 points 2 hours ago

suspended for life


[–]masterjonmaster 1 point an hour ago

It’s just crazy it went from a lot of ppl rooting him to him doing stupid shit and ruining all that!



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